Top tips for MWC Barcelona 2024

Find out the best pieces of advice on going to MWC, from some of its most frequent attendees.

Entry checklist

  • Pre-register before the event.
  • Download the MWC Series App and get your Digital Access Pass. This is the easiest and most efficient way to get in. Download the MWC Series App.
  • Log in to the app using the same credentials as your registration account.
  • Check you can see your Digital Access Pass in the app.
  • To get into the event, have your MWC App open with your Digital Access Pass ready to scan.
  • You’ll be handed your Networking Badge the first time you access the venue.
  • For more details visit our event entry page.
  • If you're heading to 4YFN, Journey to the Future, Sports Tomorrow Congress or the Connected Industries Hall, use Fira's North entrance for easier access. Visit our floorplan to get your bearings.
  • Plan your time, the website’s a tremendous resource, as well as our MWC App.
  • Be intentional about what you don’t want to miss.
  • Walk the showfloor, the exhibition is mind-blowing.
Lara Dewar


Don't forget to pick up your city-wide free transport pass – now available as soon as you step off the plane or at the venue. Read more about travelling to and from the event.


Connect to event wifi easily.

Network: #MWC24 pwd:connectme
Password: connectme

  • Keep an open mind.
  • Follow the trendsetters.
  • Make the most of the ecosystem being together.
Khan Terzioglu
Veon, CEO


Use the MWC App to network without the legwork before, during and after the event. There are even recommended contacts to get you started, based on your interests and expertise.

Food and drink at MWC Barcelona

Choose what you want to eat, not what you don’t, as this year, you don’t need to buy bundles – plus there’s a wider range of food options than ever before. Check out our catering options.

  • ABC – ‘Always Be Connecting’.
  • Step outside of your comfort zone.
  • Exchange details, connect on LinkedIn and in the MWC App.
Oisin Lunny
Host, 4YFN

Drought in Barcelona

As guests of the city, we need to be mindful of our water usage. We're working closely with Fira to reduce use and waste. Take a look at our environmental programme to see how you can help cut your water consumption.

Other onsite facilities

  • Prayer room – Hall 2 and Hall 7.
  • Cloakroom – South Entrance, North Entrance and at the VIP pick up/drop off area.
  • Minors’ space – Hall 2.
  • Find out more about our onsite facilities.
  • Look at the programme.
  • Make time in your schedule to see different speakers – they’re going to be some of the best on your subject.
  • And wear comfortable shoes!
Mary Clark
Brivo, CMO

Beat Barcelona

Visit the after work ‘Place to B’ for music, art, technology and gastronomy – it's a unique experience at MWC Barcelona and is highly recommended. Find out more about Beat Barcelona.

Meet & Eat

Your go-to spot for sampling delicious local cuisine while listening to live music. Check out Meet & Eat.

Soak up the culture

Take a trip just outside Fira Gra Via and enjoy all that Barcelona has to offer – explore Barcelona.

More tips and teasers

Join Justin Springham and a host of special guests as we reveal what to expect from the world’s most exciting mobile tech show. With insight from GSMA execs and industry experts, plus some of the biggest exhibitors, our broadcast will set you up to make the most of a visit to Barcelona!

Unwrapped preview