Press zone

MWC25 Barcelona – Press Conference

MWC25 Barcelona is almost here! Rewatch the official pre-event press conference and find out MWC25's key highlights. Held on 29 January in Barcelona, it featured the GSMA’s Director General Mats Granryd; Chief Marketing Officer, Lara Dewar and GSMA Ltd.’s Chief Executive Officer, John Hoffman. 

Press / industry analyst registration

Members of the media and industry analysts who would like to attend MWC25 can review the criteria for accreditation.

Please ensure that you have access to the relevant supporting materials and your Passport or EU National ID card (for physical attendees) before starting your application. These documents are required to complete the application.

You should expect a decision within 5-10 working days. Please note this could take longer at peak times.

Send your questions on press/industry analyst accreditation to

Admission to MWC Barcelona is subject to GSMA’s Terms & Conditions.

Any questions?  See our FAQs

Apply for Press/Industry Analyst Accreditation

Coming soon!

A calendar of media events and announcements at MWC25 will be available here shortly.

Official photography

Selected photographs from official event photographers will be made available to the media here.

Please provide credit to photo courtesy: © 2024 GSMA / MWC

Press Photos

News and press releases

Latest news from MWC Barcelona

See News

Press queries

  • Please contact the GSMA PR team at to schedule press interviews with the GSMA or for further information about MWC Barcelona

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