Daniel Liebau

Founding Director, Lightbulb Capital

Speaker Bio

Daniel (Dan) is a half-german/half-argentinian “pracademic” based in Asia: As a practitioner, he is Founder of Lightbulb Capital in Hong Kong and Singapore, and is the CIO of the Modular Blockchain Fund at Modular Asset Management. Previously, Dan was COO of HSBC Securities in Singapore. He also worked for UBS in Germany and the UK, Barclays Capital Singapore and Tokyo, and Close Brothers in Frankfurt, his hometown. As an academic, he is an Affiliate Faculty Member at Singapore Management University where he teaches courses on Cryptography, Blockchain & Digital Assets, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Previously he was a visiting professor at IE business school here in Spain, where he received the teaching excellence award. His research work investigates blockchain in the financial markets context and has been published by various academic journals. He is also the Associate Editor-In-Chief of World Scientific’s "Annual Review of Fintech" journal. Having been a practitioner first, Dan, at 45, is completing his PhD in Finance at Erasmus University in 2024, and holds Master degrees in Innovation (SMU) and Finance (IE).