Marta Laorden

VC Director, McWin Capital Partners

Speaker Bio

Marta, an Investor at McWin Capital Partners, specializes in the food ecosystem, managing a diverse portfolio of 1500+ restaurants. She directs her investments through the McWin Food Tech Fund, with a focus on Ag tech, Alternative proteins, clean nutrition, waste, circular economy, and restaurant tech.

With over 15 years of finance industry experience, Marta led venture capital efforts at an insurance company, strategically diversifying from its core business. Prior to that, she served as an investor at a multi-billion-dollar European family office, executing transactions and overseeing capital investments spanning various sectors and stages.

Marta holds a Major in Law and Business Administration from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE). Her strategic investments drive innovation and sustainable growth within the food industry, reflecting her passion for meaningful global change through food-related initiatives.