Seoul National University, known as a cradle for numerous innovative start-ups in Korea, is embarking on its first challenge for MWC 2024.
Established in 1946, SNU holds the distinction of being the first national university in Korea. With about 500 million dollars research funds and 2300 faculties, SNU is at the forefront of academic-industry-technology development.
In its maiden participation at MWC 2024, SNU aims to showcase our cutting-edge technologies and facilitate their entry into the global market. We invite you to explore the promising SNU's technologies. We look forward to connecting with you and opening new avenues for mutual growth.
Established in 1946, SNU holds the distinction of being the first national university in Korea. With about 500 million dollars research funds and 2300 faculties, SNU is at the forefront of academic-industry-technology development.
In its maiden participation at MWC 2024, SNU aims to showcase our cutting-edge technologies and facilitate their entry into the global market. We invite you to explore the promising SNU's technologies. We look forward to connecting with you and opening new avenues for mutual growth.