Andres Vasquez

Global Segment Director for Cloud & Service Providers, Schneider Electric

Speaker Bio

Mr. Vasquez leads the Network Edge & CSP segment strategy for Schneider Electric Globally and is focused on how to support customer digital journeys and distributed cloud business transformation. Andres has more than 20 years of experience in the Telecommunications, IT, and datacenter industry, leading digital transformation and energy management initiatives, along with various leadership roles at Schneider Electric, Avnet, Itautec, Inbev and IBM.

He was recently recognized as one of the Global 100 most influential Hispanic executives in IT by HITEC (Hispanic IT Executive Council). 2021-2023. Andres is a widely respected public speaker and subject matter expert, regularly consulted by industry analysts like Gartner, IDC, STL. He also directly supports customer projects and strategic commercial initiatives across the world.

His commitment to sustainability is revealed in a recent white paper, which addresses the “Network edge and how to deploy sustainable datacenters, to enable AI, OIT and P5G technologies”.