Teresa Riesgo

Secretary of Innovation, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Speaker Bio

Teresa Riesgo, born in Madrid in 1965, is a Professor of Electronic Technology at the Technical School of Industrial Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSII-UPM). Se has doctorate in industrial engineering from UPM (1996) and a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from the same university (1990).

Throughout her career, she has held various leadership positions, including the management of the Industrial Electronics Center, the Research and International Relations sub-directorate of the ETSII-UPM, and the direction of the Department of Automatics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Industrial Informatics. Since 2003, she has represented UPM in the TIME network (Top Industrial Managers in Europe) and is a member of several advisory and institutional quality assessment commissions.

Her research focuses on the design of embedded systems, reconfigurable hardware systems and electronics for the Internet of Things. She has participated in some 60 research, development and innovation projects, both national and European, and has published more than 200 scientific papers in journals and proceedings of international conferences.