Ismail Gögenur

Professor, consultant and MDSc, Sjællands Universitetshospital Denmark

Speaker Bio

Ismail Gögenur is the founder and leader of the Center for Surgical Science (CSS), a multidisciplinary research unit dedicated to translational research, clinical research, and the application of Big Data methodologies. Gögenur's research primarily focuses on the development and implementation of new surgical treatments and the study of surgical pathophysiology. His work emphasizes personalized medicine, artificial intelligence, and the development of a Big Data platform to aid decision-making and reduce morbidity and mortality.

Under Gögenur's leadership, the CSS has established an AI-based risk prediction model built on data from 76,000 patients. This model stratifies patients into four risk profiles based on their predicted 1-year mortality. The model has led to tailored treatment plans, faster recovery, fewer reoperations, and reduced risk of recurrence, ultimately improving survival rates and reducing the need for expensive oncological treatments.