Vincenzo Carbone

Senior Product Manager - MedTech, InSilicoTrials Technologies

Speaker Bio

Dr Vincenzo Carbone is R&D Senior Product Manager - MedTech at InSilicoTrials. The company’s mission is to hyper-accelerate drug and medical device development leveraging Computational Modeling and Simulation and Artificial Intelligence by providing cloud-based platform technological solutions. Vincenzo joined InSilicoTrials after obtaining his PhD in Biomechanical engineering at the University of Twente in 2016. His activities focus on the use of computational solutions for the development and regulatory evaluation of new medical devices and personalized surgical techniques, in order to reduce costs and time of the research and development process. Vincenzo is Exploitation Manager of EU-funded projects BRAINTEASER and In Silico World. Vincenzo is contributor to the Good Simulation Practice task force of Avicenna Alliance, whose results will be soon published as open book: “Toward Good Simulation Practice: best practices for the use of computational modelling & simulation in the Regulatory process of biomedical products”.