Anna Maria Mandalari

Assistant Professor, UCL

Speaker Bio

Anna Maria Mandalari works as Assistant Professor at University College London (UCL). She is affiliated with the Electronic & Electrical Engineering Department and member of the UCL’s Academic Center of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). She has been nominated member of the Italian Technical Committee for strategies on the use of AI.  She is Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute for Security Science and Technology at Imperial College London and expert fellow of the UK SPRITE+ Hub. She obtained her PhD within the framework of the METRICS project, which is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, intended for excellent researchers, affiliated with the Carlos III University of Madrid. Her research interests are Internet of Things (IoT), privacy, security, AI, networking and Internet measurement techniques. She studies privacy implications and information exposure from IoT devices. She works on the problem of modelling, designing, and evaluating adaptation strategies based on Internet measurements techniques.

In addition to her research, Anna gives invited talks all around the world to promote research and create awareness on security, privacy, and ethical AI. She has worked and collaborates with various international institutions and companies, such as Simula Research Laboratory in Norway and Northeastern University in Boston. Most of her research experiences have also significantly contributed to several EU-funded research projects and have had a significant influence on media and policymaking.

Anna Maria Mandalari is also committed to promoting the interest of young women in STEM subjects. She is an active member of organizations that encourage diversity and aims to promote connections between women in the computer science and networking field.