Muneaki Goto

Chief Reskilling Officer, Japan Reskilling Initiative

Speaker Bio

Muneaki Goto, President and Chief Reskilling Officer at the Japan Reskilling Initiative, leads a nonprofit dedicated to advancing reskilling in Japan. His organization supports enterprises executing reskilling projects by partnering with the government and local authorities.

Additionally, as the Japan Representative for SkyHive Technologies, a Silicon Valley startup, he leverages artificial intelligence to address workforce skills gaps and assists companies in transitioning to skill-based organizations.

With nearly a decade of self-driven reskilling at tech startups, he now leads business development in the AI sector. His transformative journey has established him as a best-selling author with the acclaimed series 'Reskilling to Keep Updating Your Skills,' honored by the 2023 Readers' Choice Business Book Grand Prix.

A prominent advocate for reskilling in Japan, Goto works to mitigate technological unemployment while embracing technological advancements. He has influenced policy development through public-private partnerships focusing on reskilling initiatives. His extensive outreach includes lectures, committee roles, and frequent media appearances, where he promotes reskilling across various platforms, including TV, newspapers, and research reports.

Internationally, he is an advisor to global discussions on the Economist Impact's Advisory Panel on Green Skills. His insights are featured in influential reports, such as 'Bridging the Skills Gap: Fuelling Careers and the Economy in Japan,' supported by Google. He also serves as a keynote speaker at significant forums, notably the Future Skills Summit 2023 in Indonesia.