Alvin Graylin

Global VP, Corp. Dev, HTC

Speaker Bio

Alvin Wang GRAYLIN (汪丛青) is a seasoned tech entrepreneur, executive, and author. He was the China President (2016-2023) and is currently the Global VP of Corp Dev at HTC, a global leader in the XR industry.  He is also the Vice-Chairman of the Industry of Virtual Reality Alliance (IVRA), President of the Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance (VRVCA) and co-head of the ViveX VR Accelerator. GRAYLIN is the co-author of “Our Next Reality: How the AI-powered Metaverse will Reshape the World”, published by Hachette Book Group.

Prior to HTC, he was a serial entrepreneur, having founded four separate venture-backed startups in the AI based natural language search, mobile social networks, AD tech, and big-data AI analytics in China and the US. GRAYLIN has also held P&L roles at major corporations such as Intel, Trend Micro, WatchGuard Technologies and IBM.

GRAYLIN first did his research in VR 30+ years ago at the Human Interface Technology Lab, and specialized in AI/Natural Language Processing research both at the University of Washington and MIT. 

GRAYLIN received his M.S. in computer science specializing in AI from MIT, M.S. in Business from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and graduated top of his department with a B.S. in electrical engineering from University of Washington, where he had specialized in VR, AI and CPU architecture.